Masterpiece Academy participants

Masterpiece Academy Program Description

Pure Dominion Ministries, Inc. (PDM), a training and outreach ministry of Greater Columbia, South Carolina, is excited to announce its newest initiative for school children in Richland District One. Richland One schools, beginning with our flagship, A. J. Lewis Greenview Elementary, prides themselves on developing successful, responsible students. With that in mind, PDM is partnering to bring Masterpiece Academy to Greenview.

Masterpiece Academy is a cultural arts academy focusing on empowerment, education, and exploration. 3rd and 4th-grade children, identified by the school administration, will work with mentors in dramatic arts, expressive writing, music, and literacy skills. Beginning with young men, PDM will also introduce the strengths-based curriculum of The Council for Boys and Young Men for healthy leadership development.  This will allow children to have fun identifying their personal gifts and talents as they apply skills of reading, critical thinking, and teamwork.

Masterpiece Academy will build self-confidence, create lasting bonds, and have a measurable positive impact on academic skills.

Masterpiece Academy’s driving force is to equip children for the future, enhance their cultural awareness, and assist in identifying and using their strengths. At the end of each program cycle, students will share what they have accomplished publicly, at the school. This event will be scheduled shortly after each cycle launch. PDM encourages all parents, guardians, and family members to support and help children prepare and be in attendance for this most anticipated performance.  Their engagement means so much to participating children as they continue to strive to be their very best.

The initiative begins with a scheduled parent interest meeting over dinner. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to meet the organizers, complete applications and obtain detailed information prior to the 1st session. All students have such great potential and PDM believes this academy will allow them to see how awesome they truly are.  For more information, please fill out the form on our Contact page.

Please contact the school administrator at A.J. Lewis Greenview Elementary School for eligibility.